


travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.


I simply love nature. I love getting out and into the forest, the mountains, and the ocean. Photography was a way to spend time in nature, created a livelihood that allowed me to stay there.


“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.”
Ernst Haas

“When a moment in front of me appears to be particularly special, whether it be by beauty or experience, I capture it. I usually find a reason to justify taking that photo - symmetry, or color, or contrast - and it’s my hope that my photography sheds light onto what I see and do on a daily basis.”
– Connor Franta

“I see photography as an adventure. I like to discover where my boundaries are and what I can do with each person I met.” Anton Corbijn

With the Covid-19 still lingering, we still have faith and look forward to the silver lining.

“I photograph elements of my life, places where I feel comfortable, where my way of thinking is in line with what I am doing” Sebastiao Salgado

After several hardship, we gave birth to a baby boy. His name is Alan (Rex) Chongtanavanit, our precious little prince in waiting for his kingdom to come!

When we practice doing small things with compassion, love and intent. We become brave and fearless in our pursuit to be better. And when one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams he will met with a success unexpected in common hours.

It’s the year of Covid-19, travelling is hard, photography chances are rare. But still, we are made of stories. Create them. Say them. Record them. Live them.

Each time I experience something new that forces me out of my comfort zone and into the unknown, I come back a wiser person. I’ll always live my life consciously choosing experiences that make me feel just that.

We begin this year by changing the camera gear to Nikon D850. We tackle small journeys to Chiang Rai at the beginning of the year to warm ourselves up again for the greatest challenge and the trip of our life. “the Everest base camp trek via Gokyo Lake”.

Again, what is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?

Going to Kilimanjaro teaches me that travelling is a way for “ordinary” people like me to live an extraordinary life. It’s not about impressing others. No one will ever understand what it took for you to go through the hardship, to push through your own limits.

Kili is unique for many reasons. It’s the tallest freestanding mountain in the world, the highest point on earth that an average person can reach by walking.

We take a lot of trail running, what ever challenge come we go for it. We train so hard hoping to set our body ready for the biggest goal next year.

Because life is super simple. You figure out your purpose, your passion, something that makes you excited, that puts you in the flow, that makes you come alive. Then you arrange your life around it.

We aim higher, from the Phu Kradeung we take on to a higher step and the harder trekking. We’ve been working out to prepare our strength and finally at the end of the year. We choose the Twole Summit on Tak Province (Northern part of Thailand.)

Finally, adventure is about taking travel to a whole new level. It is about impressing yourself, self-esteem, and having confidence in your own abilities.

Our life journeys begin here. The time when Charnvit (Vit) met Arreeluk (Gae) and starts the exploring at Phu Kradeung. It was our first easy trekking to teach our basics of everything.

From the person never met, we became closer which we never know that one day, it’ll become life partners.